Monday, December 14, 2009

Weightlifting Success

At the final competition for the year for Southland Olympic weightlifting, Ashleigh MacDougall maintained her top form to total 98kg. Her attempt at the 60kg clean and jerk produced a personal best. Ashleigh, aged 15, is the NZ secondary schools' championships silver medallist for 2009. She is expected to gain further successes in 2010.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Basketball Success

James Humm in Year 8 was successful in his attempt to make a South Island representative age-group team to compete in Australia in January. Well done and all the best for the tournament.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gold for Ex-pupil Tom Scully

Tom Scully, 19-year-old Verdon College ex-pupil, stunned the New Zealand cycling fraternity at the weekend when he won not one but two gold medals at the track cycling World Cup meet in Melbourne. Tom had expected to use the meet as a ride for experience but he cruised to win the scratch race by five lengths, beating some well-performed and experienced riders. He claimed a second gold medal when he teamed up with Marc Ryan to win the 40km madison event.

The College community congratulate Tom for his achievement.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ex-Pupils Achieve

Rebecca Debono (daughter of Bernice the Canteen lady) received news yesterday that she has completed her B.Sc with First Class Honours. Rebecca was Proxime Accessit in 2005. The dux in 2005 was Sarah Cardoso who was accepted into Medical School earlier this year. It is great to read news of the academic successes or our ex-pupils.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Water Polo

After taking part in the New Zealand Under 12 National Tournament in Auckland last September, Hannah Lieshout was one of three Southland Under 12 players to be nominated and selected for the NEW ZEALAND WATER POLO CAMP OF OLYMPIC HOPEFULS. This squad meets in Auckland on January 22-24th for a three day camp. Hannah goes to Auckland on the 21st of January. We wish her every success.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reminder for Senior Students from the Police

The Police will be out patrolling the streets next week in regards to senior students last day of the school year.

They will not be tolerating any silly behaviour especially when it comes to egging vehicles as has been in previous years. When the egg dries on the paint work of vehicles the enzyme eats into the paint causing chipping. This is Intentional Damage and students will face prosecution if this occurs. Each panel which is damaged costs about $600.00 to repair.

They also remind students to be aware if they are driving vehicles to carry their driver's licence as any breaches of the conditions can result in a $400.00 fine.

They wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dan Davin Short Story Competition

Emma Greenfield of year 13, received a Highly Commended award in the prestigious Dan Davis Short Story Competition. This was well deserved recognition for a sensitve, well-crafted piece of writing. Congratulations Emma.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Commonwealth Weightlifting

Douglas Sekone-Fraser was placed 4th in the Commonwealth weightlifting competition. The event was held from 23 to 25 of October in Malaysia. Douglas was competing in the Junior (under 21) Olympic class at the tournament.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Creative Southland Wide - Speech Contest

Congratulations to Henry More who recently competed in the Creative Southland wide Speech Contest. Henry was placed first in the Verdon year 7/8 contest and then went forward to the area final where he was placed second. This entitled him to take part in the grand final. A total of 58 schools were involved in the contest. Henry was awarded the MC's choice award for the contestant whom the MC believed had special potential. Well done Henry. A great effort.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kiwisport Consultation for Parents/Caregivers

Kiwisport is a new initiative from the Government to increase school aged students' involvement in organised sport. As part of Kiwisport, the Regional Partnership Fund is to be distributed by Sport Southland.

Sport Southland is asking the Southland community: "How should this fund be spent?"

What is working well now in organised sport for students? What are the barriers for students to be involved in organised sport? What can be done to improve participation in organised sport? Sport Southland welcomes thoughts and ideas from parents, caregivers, students and members of the public.

Responses to by Friday 30 October. Jim Watson, Sport Southland, phone (03) 211 2150, Box 224, Invercargill.

Monday, October 19, 2009

PTA Christmas Truffles

The order form for our next fundraiser, Christmas Truffles, has been sent home with your child. This fundraiser has huge potential to earn much needed funds for the purchase of more sports equipment and to complete Phase 2 of our Playground Project.

It would be fantastic if you could sell as many as you can as they make an ideal Christmas gift (also great to reward your businesses staff) and handy to have in the deep freeze over the holidays.

We would appreciate your support also in making and packaging the truffles over the weekend of 13/14 November. This is a great opportunity to meet others in our school community.

Orders with payment please to the school office by Friday 5th November.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Summer Camp

Click on the image to enlarge

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dodgers Softball Club

Click on the image to view it in a larger format.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Parent Abuse Study


Has your child or teenager ever intentionally damaged things in your home?
I am studying the problem of children and young people (5-18 years) behaving abusively toward their parents/caregivers, by intentionally damaging parents property.

If you are a parent, step-parent or foster parent who has experienced this problem and would like to participate in a study by completing a questionnaire about property damage and other forms of parent abuse, please contact Latesha Murphy-Edwards on 214 2137, Text 0212959207 or Email for a study pack.

There is no obligation to participate in the study.
Your involvement will be confidential.

Representative Achievements

James Humm and his successful year in extra curriculum activities. James made the U.15 Southland Basketball team, the Southland year 7/8 development cricket team, was a member of the South town rugby team and is trialing this weekend in Christchurch for the South Island U.14 basketball team that is going to Australia in the school holidays.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weightlifting Success

At the New Zealand Secondary School Championships held in Tekawhata Douglas Sekone-Fraser gained a 1st in the 77kg over 16 class and was 1st overall in the Tournament. Douglas lifted 105kg in the snatch and 132kg in the clean and jerk.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Junior Hockey Representative

Andrew Miles was selected for the Southland primary school hockey team. This team will compete in the Hatch Cup (national primary schools' hockey tournament) during the next school break.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Representative Rugby

The following students have been selected for representative teams:

Southland U13 rugby team – JD Rowe, Sean Goffin, Mathew Pocklington

Southland U48kg team – Alasdair O'Reilly

Southland U65kg team – Daniel Boyle, Harlem Hayden, Nat O'Neill

Town U14 – Benjamin Boyle, Sammy Seau


Netball Results

Results from the Invercargill Netball Centre Competition:

  • Pierce Trophy - highest individual goal average - Lucy Heenan (82%)
  • Sargood Cup - highest goals scored (Senior Reserve and below) - Senior B (240)
  • Creative Curves Trophy - Reserve Grade winners - Senior B
  • 10th Grade Trophy - SS Grade 2 runners-up - 10A
  • Ottrey Trophy - Years 7&8 Grade 1 runners-up - 8A

Mrs Marshall

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gold Metals for Weightlifter

Douglas Sekone-Fraser, Verdon's very own powerlifter and Olympic class weightlifter, has won a gold medal in the junior men's under 19, 75kg division at the national powerlifting championships held in Auckland earlier this month. Douglas lifted a New Zealand record 210Kg in the deadlift.

A week later at the South Island Olympic weight lifting championships, Douglas repeated his gold medal success of the previous year in the junior men's under 21, 75kg class.

A lift of 100kg in the snatch and 125kg in the clean and jerk were both personal bests. The 225kg total has elevated him to Olympic B-Grade status, which qualifies him for the Oceania championships next year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Road Running Success

Oliver McLean, a year 8 student at Verdon, competed in the Clyde to Alexandra road race on Saturday. He finished third in the Year 12 boys' section, running 2km as part of the Harriers' event.


Boxing Training

We are looking for boys aged from 12 years and up to be trained to become a boxer.

Please contact John Pile 2168224, Elite Boxing Invercargill.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Representative Rugby

Congratulations to Nat O'Neill (8HY) who was selected for the Southland under 65kg rugby team yesterday.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Southland Representative Teams

Hannah Lieshout is in the Southland Under 13 Basketball Team and Southland Under 13 Waterpolo Team.

She was selected by Basketball New Zealand for a Southern cluster camp in Dunedin. This is for the best basketball players from Timaru South and includes players from Southland, South Canterbury and Otago.

She is also attending the National Waterpolo Championships in Auckland during the September School holidays.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Patronal Day 2009

Best wishes to you all. We were pleased to be able to join you at Mass for the Assumption.

R & M Tait

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome to the Verdon Comment Wall

This blog allows members of our wider school community to post messages that are able to be viewed via the main school website.

All posts are moderated, so there will be a delay between posting your message and seeing it displayed on the school website.